Taction Software

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Taction Software Celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights with the less privileged children


Taction Software Celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights with the less privileged children

Noida, Nov 05, 2015 – Taction Software, a global consulting, technology and outsourcing company, celebrated the Festival Of Lights “Diwali”, an occasion of family reunion, prayers and lighting. Taction Software celebrated the day 1 of the ongoing Diwali celebration with a special initiative called “Kids Next Door” program. The Kids Next Door program is a part of the Taction Software CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiative, where Taction invited the less privileged children from the neighborhood slum areas and together with the members celebrated the wonderful occasion. The “Kids Next Door” saw the children & members of Taction, Noida office bursting crackers and exchanging gifts. The program started with the members and the children meeting each other and exchanging basic pleasantries.

Further, the children burst colorful sparkles with the members and enjoyed the gifts presented by Taction. The Gift package contained a combination of chocolates and other board games that the children could enjoy in their home and play with their friends.

For any other Information about Taction or the “Kids Next Door” program, please contact: info@tactionsoftware.com

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